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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Time is flying by again!

I am starting to work some extra hours and soem nights I don't have the energy to polish off a good post, so keep watching and I will put out more stories maybe just not as often as before.  I have noticed that my life has been very chaotic lately and I am hoping it will slow down a little one day, but since that is not in the cards for any time soon I love that I still have time to blog fairly often.  So anyways, it has been a few days since my last post and I had a lot on my mind. I hope you can look past the length of the writing and enjoy hearing about some of the precious moments in my life.

My girls are growing up so fast, it really seems like just yesterday that they were babies and now they are in toddler beds. Yup, that's right the bars have come down and freedom has prevailed over danger.  Last night was our first night with no side rails.  It took about an hour For Izzy to give up and go to sleep, Emma proceeded to cover her in toys and whack her about the head until she woke back up again.  Luckily Izzy went back to sleep quickly and Emma gave up by the end of the second hour.

As we go through this transition with the girls it takes me back a few years to when we were doing this with Aiden.  I remember taking the rail off his bed and fighting with him for several days just to put his crib back together again.  I am hoping that the girls are not going to follow in the steps of many multiples and cause us to lose our minds through this transition.

Poor Aiden got sent home from school after getting sick at lunch on Thursday.  He is on day two of fever (around 101-102 when it gets high) and a horrible sounding congested cough.  It has been rough on him to be semi-quarantined, but after the last round of stomach whatever that went through our house we would rather not move on to the next illness quite yet.

Where does the time go... it seems as each day goes by we can understand the things our girls say more and more often.  Though Emma doesn't seem to annunciate as much as Izzy, she is definitely louder.  Just this morning Aiden ran off with his new twistable crayons and Izzy chased after him saying "Hey, you, bring that back here,"  now you had to be listening to hear it, but her words were crystal clear and she was very matter-of-fact sounding, just quiet.  Obviously she also loves to color and has taken to saying "color" when she is done with breakfast to let you know that is what she wants to do next.  Once they are given a coloring book and a crayon, they will color for a good little while sitting at their table in the living room (Izzy can sit still and color for a lot longer than Emma, but she comes back after a quick dance or expedition to the kitchen and back).  Emma's current favorite phrases are "Thang-Ou" (thank you) and  "OkAy" and of course "Derrygo" (there you go- be careful though she might just hand you a booger!! LoL -- can't wait till we get to the full on tissue stage)  Her favorite thing to do is run into the kitchen and play with all the magnets.  We even have a leap pad thing that you put the letters in and it sings a little song or the alphabet and she will play the songs over and over and just dance around the kitchen. Izzy has also taken up Aiden's habit of saying "No"  much to our dismay, now most of the time she runs off to do what she was told, but really was it necessary to say "No" first?  

I talked a bit about getting our finances under control this year and figuring out exactly where we stand.  There are a lot of you out there that figured I would know that sort of thing, but in my case I seem to be the person that has some big medical issue at least once a year and for whatever reason no matter what I do I always end up in the ER because we have not had a family doctor.  This gets expensive and extra money is not something that is common in our household.  So one change we are making is to establish a family Dr. and hopefully this will prevent future visits to the ER, thus lowering our medical expenses.  J is also insisting that we get the kids a local pediatrician.  At least it will save some time and gas money, but if there was ever a pediatricians office I would recommend, it would be the one in Radford Dr. Wallace and Dr. Preedom are excellent Dr's and are very easy to talk to .  I have never had to take the kids to the ER and have always been able to get answers from a doctor whenever I was concerned no matter the hour.  So in an effort to hold onto some momentum our major change for January is going to be getting a family Dr. for J and I.   We are also working on organizing everything, but that process is slow and sometimes a bit overwhelming. 

I have started in on Valentines Day now that we are starting into the 3rd week of January.   I pulled out the wallpaper books again today and Aiden and I cut out hearts in green, purple and pink.  The scrap triangles went into the shape sorting boxes and I realized it is time to clean out the closet again and reorganize our arts and crafts supplies.  Aiden and I had fun making Valentines crafts and gifts last year and I am working on finding some new ideas for this year.

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