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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!!! Welcome to Aiden's can castle.  Surprisingly enough this entertained he for about 30 muntes and he organized the cans when he put them away too!!! I bribed him with smilies for his behavior recognition notebook to clean up and organize, but hey I can still find thngs in my cabinets... LoL :D

I can't wait to go to Mom's for lunch tomorrow! We will have a traditional meal of corned beef and cabbage!  ((you're missing out Christy))

Aiden got so messy with his Diamond Hill chili dog, but he loved every bite.  **Funny story: I was making lunch today and I made the girls a PB&J sandwich and Aiden informed me he does not like peanut butter.  To his dad chagrin he loves peanut butter and pickle sandwiches, problem solved... It's been a favorite of mine for years too.

I was excited to hear that the bill to prevent us from falling from the fiscal cliff is almost ready.... I'm not holding my breath, but on a more serious note, I have decided that this year my resolution is to figure out where I am financially and get a better understanding of what we spend our money on and see where we can save.

I am also going to start studying photography by reading some books and trying out the techniques I can with the limited equiptment that I have.  I want to learn about lighting first and how to adjust it properly.

Happy New Years!!!! Welcome to 2013!!!

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