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Sunday, December 30, 2012

New dreams to chase!

I have been asked what I want to be when I grow up and for years I haven't had a clue.  Now I don't know what got me to start thinking about it, but I think that the perfect job for me would be a job that involves photography. 
I love taking pictures so much and it is so gratifying when I can catch that perfect moment and preserve it forever. 
For right now we are concentrating on putting J through school.  ((I am so proud of him for making the Dean's list again !!!))
But I have been thinking about taking a few art courses when he is done and maybe pursuing some dreams of my own.
It is hard for me to decide on one focus, I would love to be a photographer I think, but I would also love to make photo art products.
Since I have to start somewhere I think I will focus on learning the ins and outs of photography, maybe I can even teach myself.  Maybe by the time J is out of school there will be a chance that I could go to the local community college and pick up some higher education LoL.
And then if I am lucky one of the photographers that I know will teach me a few tricks of the trade as well.
Well there it is, I have found myself a new dream to chase. I hope you all enjoy the photos that I take with my phone and tablet until I can afford to get a nice camera to practice with.

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