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Monday, December 24, 2012

If it could go wrong it did this year! :)

Things really started going downhill when I got sick,  then they snow-balled.  Due to family illness plans that were made well in advance got flipped upside down.  Christmas Eve for our family ended up being done with Momma (whose Jeep broke down on the interstate just trying to get here), Mom will be here for Christmas breakfast and then it will just be time to be at home together.  Things actually turned out much more simple than they would have been which has been nice, but I do miss the whole big family get together.

We had a really good time opening gifts this evening and even wore Aiden out enough that he was out in no time once he made it to bed.  The girls were quick to give up too which was a nice change.

Now that all the children are nestled snug in their beds, we have filled their stockings and wrapped their presents so we too can go to bed. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

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