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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas update and Monster Cookie Recipe!

I managed to get out to the grocery store today to get the ingredients I was lacking for holiday cooking.  I think one more trip to Dollar Tree will finish off my shopping and then I just have to get everything wrapped. :)
This year we will be going to Mom's on Christmas Eve for a self serve dinner and presents.  Then Christmas Morning Mom is going to join us for presents and Breakfast at the river house before we take off for Dayton to celebrate with the other side of the family.  On the 26th we will wrap up the festivities with Momma at our house around lunch and then it will all be over again until next year.
Baking and cooking takes up so much time for me around the holidays that I had decided I was just going to give gifts and cards and not worry about treats this year.  As Christmas gets closer and closer I have decided Christmas isn't Christmas unless there are cookies involved. LoL.  I have gotten my brownie treats baked wrapped and frozen to keep them fresh. Tomorrow will be set aside for baking monster cookies and working.  Then the rice krispies will be put off till Christmas Eve morning more than likely.  Poor bus driver won't get rice krispie treats due to time constraints, but I got some candy to add to her basket to make up for that! :)
Now I have to say I love love love the Monster Cookie recipe that was passed down to me from my husbands family for two reasons.  The first reason is that the cookies are super yummy and there are a variety of other ingredients that can be thrown in to change the flavor just slightly.  The second reason I love the recipe is the sheer volume of cookies that one batch will make (I am talking gallons of cookies).  So here goes the recipe is really pretty simple. 
You will need:
6 eggs
1 lb brown sugar
2 c granulated sugar
1/2 lb butter (softened)
1 T Karo syrup (preferrably light)
1 t vanilla extract
1 lb peanut butter
4 t baking soda (mixed with the flour)
1 1/2 c all purpose flour
7 c old fashioned oats
1/2 lb M&M's
1/2 lb chocolate chips
Mix the ingredients together in order.  Drop 1-2 T balls onto a greased cookie sheet and bake at 350 F for 10 minutes on the center rack of the oven.  ((these will stay fresh in the freezer for up to 2 monthes maybe longer -- ours never last that long LoL ))

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