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Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Christmas decorations are up, now it is time to start baking!!!

Yeah I know the picture is no good at all, but one day I will learn how to take a good picture of a christmas tree.  Today is not that day.LoL.
Anyways, we decided not to put Aiden off any longer and managed to get the living room rearranged and the tree standing by bedtime on Thursday night.

We finished decorating the inside of the house Friday and I tried to post this last night, but I couldn't get my pictures to pop up.  One day I will have enough stuff to branch out of the living room, until then I will enjoy the Christmas wonderland that is my living room. :)
Mom did get some sales on the christmas spiders and I am interested to see which ones went.  I really loved all of the designs, it will be neat to see which ones were most popular.  I did get the pictures I ordered to put in my Christmas cards Friday. Today, I got all the envelopes stuffed, and just need two more addresses to be ready to head out to the post office and mail them out. It was really hard for me to choose which pictures to send out since I have taken over 3000 pictures with just my phone this year, LoL, and of course I don't have a picture of all of us together.

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