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Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy Holidays to All !!!

I have been ill as of late.  Though the world did not end on 12/21/12, shortly after midnight it felt like my world was crashing down around me.  I have not had a flu like bug that bad ever, that I can remember, and even though I turned green in the face and blue in the lips I still survived.  My Mom was a great help taking care of kids so that J could take care of me and then taking me to the Dr. before it was all said and done.  I felt so bad when she came down with it just as I was beginning to get better, and even though I barely had the strength I went to be with her and help do what I could.  Knock on wood -- everyone seems to be getting better and after a few speed bumps Christmas Eve is back on schedule and Mom is getting the help that probably should have been offered even before we were sick.  It really will be nice to have the whole family together, I have been looking forward to this since I got my new job and knew I would be able to be around for the Holidays this year.

Aiden brought home these ornaments that he made in preschool and I absolutely adore them, especially the handprint made into snowmen.  His teachers have found some really wonderful projects to do with the kids and his creativity is showing more and more at home as well.  The next picture was his latest play-doh creation, I was impressed that he even added hair to his person.

I hope everyone has a Happy Holiday, whatever it is you may celebrate, and is able to be around their family and those that they hold dearest to their hearts.  I finally have all but one present wrapped and can get some rest before the festivities set in tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I have been ill as of late. Though the world did not end on 12/21/12, shortly after midnight it felt like my world was crashing down around me. I have not had a flu like bug that bad ever. singles holidays
