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Monday, December 10, 2012

I got new pics of the kiddos!!!

Yay! I got my pictures to upload pretty quick tonight. We got a lot done today and I followed it up by working an extra hour at the end of my shift.  It was well worth the extra upsells I was able to score. Tonight I set my personal best at 40 upsales in one shift.

Before work I had the opportunity to snap some new pictures of my babies, but I found that for today it was impossible yet again to get all three of them to sit still in one spot... though I did manage to get two of them to sit mostly still at once... LoL :)
...Emma wasn't quite so co-operative.

As much as their Daddy hates it I have allowed the kids to explore and touch the mantle decorations
Izzy set herself up beautifully in front of the fireplace and enjoyed playing with the bell for a few minutes ((I did have to take that one away since it has pointy edges and she wanted to run around with it.))

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