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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas shopping woes!!! o.O

Each year I make a Christmas list and record what I have bought.  I do this so that I know what I have to find and wrap, but also so that I know when I am done.  This year I have whittled my list down throughout the year and now that we are closing in on the shopping deadline I have realized that I don't know the best way to shop for twins.  Some people say to get them the same thing just different colors; some say get them the same exact item. I really don't know that having two of something will keep the girls from wanting what the other one has so I am at an impass. 

I am happy to announce that I actually got all of my Christmas cards dropped off at the post office.  Two weeks before Christmas... that has to be a record for me. LoL!!!
 Sorry to keep things so short, but it has been a long work week for me and I want to make sure that my alarm wakes me up in the morning so I don't end up driving Aiden to school yet again. o.O

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