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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The craft show is getting closer and the projects are coming together!

For many years when I was young when Christmas time came around Mom would have a holiday potpouri simmering on the stove throughout the day.  So after I made my basket a couple of nights ago I was trying to figure out what to put in it and it came to me that we should package some simmer mixes and package them as a holiday gift for Mom to take to the craft show.  We have the kid of pine tree with the tiny pinecones on it in the front yard that yeilded almost two cups of pinecones from the ground, I had to get a ladder to get as many as I wanted LoL.

Tonight I was able to make two more containers for her simmer mix and I have a third almost done as well.  I have a good feeling about Mom's premiere back in the crafting world and I am glad she gave me enough notice so that I could help her out like I used to.  Maybe one day I will even have the chance to go to a craft show with her again, too.

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