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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Just checkin' in :)

Now everyone knows I love my cats, but c'mon man my desk and my lap are not a bathtub.  Especially while I am working, since your breath smells pretty bad.

Isabella has been working on this same picture for a few days.  She really loves to color and each day I have given her a different color and she has added a new layer.

Ha Ha! I caught Miss Em picking her nose!

Aiden was being silly, and wanted another picture of himself, of course.  I was very happy to see him playing nicely with his sisters and he even came up with a game to play with them.

Now of course, as soon as I started taping they refused to perform, but if you give them time you will see laughter and playing going on :)

This is my new favorite picture of the hubby. This semester has been a little rough for him, some of his classes have just seemed like a waste of time and some were just no fun.  Now that the end is near he has become more fun again and we even bundled up to go lay under the stars and watch the meteor shower together the other night. It was nice to lay out there cuddled up and watch the stars fall :) We even got to see a few that were bigger and some that had pretty tails.

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