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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Is it over yet?

It has been a long holiday this year and it's still not over.  I have noticed year after year that we seem to celebrate Christmas for a week each year if not longer and we wonder why our 4 year old is still looking for more presents. 
We have finally whitled it down so that there is just one more part of the family to get together wtih so we can finish things off and I can't wait to be able to tell him he has opened all of his presents. 

The girls are not babies anymore. :( It was fun to give them presents and watch them unwrap them.  They even really impressed me by really looking over what they got before moving on to the next one and they even got bored of unwrapping and had to take a break and dance after awhile.  I have been taking videos of the girls dancing.....and they are really just too cute. ;)

Well it's getting late, see ya on the flip side :)

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