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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I am such a Klutz!!!

Some days it really takes a lot of effort to pick yourself up off the ground and still have a good day.  So after his 4 day weekend we were totally not prepared to go back to school.  We had everything together except for a hat and the bus drove past the house as I walked back to the door to go out and wait.  Since the bus stops at the next house I tried to run out into the yard where I could be seen and I tripped over my feet and skinned my knee and elbow instead. ((who does that three times in a year, really....ouch this is starting to really hurt)) Sometimes I do wonder if the bus driver is so relieved that Aiden is not outside by the road, that she intentionally doesn't slow down, just in case we are on the way out.  Needless to say I drove Aiden to school, bum leg hurting all the way there and back.  After Icing my knee for a couple of hours it stopped hurting as bad, so at least that weas nice...LoL... is it any wonder that my kids are so klutzy? LoL

Due to the snowstorm and Holiday, I was late registering Aiden for Kindergarten.... ooops....At least I sent the papers with him today and now all I have to do is schedule a physical for him and buy school supplies and he will be set. ((that doesn't sound too bad, LoL))  He also brought home his very first report card today.  It is 11 pages long and I was very proud to see that he has mastered the skills that took up the first 9 pages, there is 1 page of items he is working on, and 2/3 of a page he has not started to work on yet.  The other thing I found interesting is that there is a disclaimer on the  most children will not complete all of the pages by the end of pre-school as they are the milestones that should be hit by age 6.   I have wondered before if he is acting up in class because he is bored and it is more fun to do what he wants even if it does mean getting in trouble.  I have always been alarmed by the knowledge that Aiden gains daily and I am so proud of everything he has accomplished.

For J Spring semester started today, he got lucky and didn't have to start the semester with physics due to the recent snow storm, but tomorrow will be a big day for him.  I have not taken the chance to brag on J for awhile, but I want to say that I am sooo proud of him for getting Dean's List for this past fall semester!!!! Even with everything else that was going on, he still focused and worked hard and made it for a second time!!!  WTG Babe!!! I believe in you always!!!

The girls are finally getting used to having their freedom and are now laying themselves down for a nap when they get tired.  Today Izzy and Emma were fighting and telling each other off and the next time we looked in on them Izzy was passed out on Emma's bed ((usually she falls out in the floor)) Emma decided to give in today and laid down when she decided Izzy was sleeping rathre she liked it or not ((she did crash in the floor)) :)

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