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Sunday, January 13, 2013

My poor boy is still feeling icky :(

Aiden is still sick today, but even when he is sick he doesn't slow down.  His fever was down to a high of 100.5, mid-day today, and a dose of Ibuprophen kept it away for the rest of the day.  However, he was bouncing off the walls with cabin fever.  Lucky for all of us we had really nice weather today and I was able to let him get some fresh air for about 30 mins.   Being the boy that his is he spent most of his time catching and messing with the elder bugs on the front of the house.   Even sick like he has been Aiden has actually been behaving more frequently than before ((knock on wood)).  I was super impressed at Aiden's good behavior today!! Though he did have his bad moments ((roaring at his sisters, teasing them, going in their room while he is sick, getting bath water all over the floor,)) he also had a lot of good moments today too.  This morning while I was getting cereal for the kids Aiden saw that Emma had snagged a coloring book and a crayon and that Izzy didn't have either, so he took his drawing pad and one of his twistables to her so she could color too.  It was a really sweet gesture especially since he is very possessive most of the time.  Poor guy has been pretty bummed that he is sick and is not being allowed to interact with his sisters as much as normal. ((as much as he as pretends not to like them it is apparent his misses playing with them))  We did give him more cough and cold medicine before bed and put the Vicks Humidifier in his room to help with his horrible sounding cough.  So hopefully, he will feel better in the morning.

As for the girls, Izzy is ok with this bed thing, and very thankful for the blanket and pillow that she falls out on several times a night.  It is sooooo nice that she only resists bedtime for maybe 30 minutes and then gives in and lays down.  Emma on the other hand is very persistent and will get up several times before she gives in and lets us claim victory.  We are being very steadfast and consistent and I am hoping that once they get this down they will be more agreeable with this process in the future and ready to tackle the next challenge.   After this comes the potty training of two at once.  I am really hoping that one is going to catch on really fast and teach the other one what's going on.  Maybe? Could we get so lucky? At least they will always sit and pee and I won't have to worry about the additional chance of sitting on a wet toilet seat! ((That really has to be one of my least favorite things about having a little boy that is not concerned about aiming!))

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