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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Monday, Monday !

Yay! for another Monday!  For me this means one more day of work and I get two days off.  Wednesday and Thursday make an interesting weekend schedule when you mix it into the family chaos, but it works and I am happy that my weekend is almost here again. Monday also means that we get the preschool newsletter for the upcoming weeks focus and last weeks news. 

The kids worked really hard to raise money to get a rock wall installed in the gym this year and last week the teacher had reminded all parents to turn in the permission forms so she could allow them to play on the rock wall.  When I asked Aiden if he had gotten to play on the rock wall ((as suggested in the newsletter)) I was told " No, my teacher said I couldn't play because I am mean" and when I looked over he looked sad.  Now Aiden does play rough and most of the time when he "hurts" someone else it is an accident or simply that he does not quite understand the impact size has on strength, but sometimes when he is mad he will lash out.  He is a kid and he is still learning why that is not ok.  It makes me wonder if she directly called him mean or if he has decided that he is mean based on how he is being reprimanded.  Either way it is sad and concerns me.  I will have to remember to ask her about this one day and work on really praising Aiden when he is nice. 

We also got information on Kindergarten registration in Aiden's book bag today.  It is pretty cool that we don't have to go to registration since he is already a student in the preschool, but for the other parents in Roanoke County that have a child entering Kindergarten it should be sometime this week.  For Glenvar Elementary it will be on Thursday and Friday this week from 9am til 3pm. ((January 17th and 18th))  Even though Aiden has already been in preschool for a few months now, all day, at school and rides the bus even.....It still makes me take pause when I think about him really starting school.

Now for the "Freebies" that the local momma's watch for ...... Mark your calendars for the "Tons of Fun" event at Tanglewood mall.  This year there will all sorts of free activities starting at 10am and running all day til 4pm.  There will be indoor games, karaoke, rides, costumed characters, hands-on activities, entertainment and more suitable for all ages. This year there will also be a "Camp Fair" that will allow parents to meet with representatives of summer camps throughout the region and get information on  camps that you might be interested in for the upcoming summer break.  Last but not least..... There will also be door prizes that will include free weeks at camp.  So come one and come all ((and make sure to bring your kids)) for a day full of fun and activities FREE with door prizes, how can you beat that deal???

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