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Saturday, January 5, 2013

I am back!!!

So Aiden got a snake that you put in water and it grows.... the catch is it takes 5 days to get to full size.  Now since I don't have a water trough I have it soaking in the bathtub instead. (we just leave some water in the bottom between baths and showers)  I wonder if I should have told the Hubby that it is there... kinda hoping it scares him just a bit... LoL -- Thanks Larry ;)

Aiden had 2/3 good days at school this week and has been good on the bus ride to school every day.  I am proud of him and have seen a lot of progress with good behavior since we have started using a reward system.  It has been tough for him to accept that he doesn;t get a reward that we buy, but he really enjoyed going to the movies ((for the first time ever)) with his Grandma tonight. They went to Salem Valley 8 and got to see Monsters Inc in 3D.  How awesome and he even behaved so well he earned 3 smiles just during the time he was with her.

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