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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Cake Anyone? How about a baby duck? #NeverADullMoment

I got a slow start today, but once I finally got moving I was going full steam ahead... I got all 6 layers of cake baked that I need for Saturday.  Plus, I got the kitchen cleaned back up and ready for making icing tomorrow.

Granted by the time I got all that done it was time to go pick the kids up from school.  Now, while I was inside for most of the day baking and cleaning it turned into a beautiful day outside and I decided I needed to work outside for a little while before dinner.  Aiden helped me to clean up the right side of the "nursery" area today...

Then I started in the corner under the nesting barrel and made my way along two sides of the garden shed with chicken wire today.  Now we just need to add a little mulch to the area and fix up a gate for the end and we will have another project complete.  

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