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Friday, April 29, 2016

Update on our Flock! #RaisingChickens&Ducks #MuscovyNests

The baby chicks are growing up fast and very curious just like every human child I've met...They have jumped the gate to go visit Silver and her nest...Surprisingly, Silver didn't seem to mind at all, she didn't even offer to nip at them or anything...
Lucky on the other hand was not so forgiving...She left the nest to get some food, water and fresh air...and when she returned all nine of the chicks were checking out her crib...she quickly counted her three eggs and made sure the chicks knew they weren't welcome...then she proceeded to sit on her nest and "tell me about it"!
"Bog Boy" went to bed before Lucky again tonight and when she returned for the evening she found him sitting on her eggs once again...I've never heard of a rooster sitting on a nest before, but our birds are "Special"...lol...
It doesn't take her long though and she convinces Big Boy to give her that corner back...His two buff hens came back to the house tonight and were lucky enough to convince Lucky to let them spend the night!
I doubt that Lucky will continue to let the hens and rooster share her space for too long...at least Big Boy's tail feathers are starting to fill in pretty good so maybe we can reintroduce them back to the rest of the flock soon... Having more than one rooster is tough...three can really be a challenge, so it has been kinda nice having one separated... Maybe just maybe Lucky will bond with him and they can stay roommates...Plus as much as the hens and the rooster seem to like the baby chicks, they do not like going to bed with them at all...I guess I'll have to cross that bridge soon enough, but for now I am going to get some rest for our Arbor Day celebration!

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