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Monday, April 4, 2016

Life on the Farm! #Flowers #BabyChicks #SickKid

Spring Break is over and flowers are blooming and the kids are back in school....ah...life is peachy...NOT...poor Aiden has Strep throat again and is on day 2 of on/off fevers.  Usually when he gets Strep it takes a whole 5 days to break the fever, so I don't look for him to go back to school this week, but maybe just maybe our luck will change and this time it won't be as bad for him.  
Mom had been hearing that Dandelion Jelly was the best and so many people asked about it and talked about it that we figured we would give it a shot.  Unfortunately, after all the hard work the kids and I put into picking dandelions for Mom and the work Mom and I put into cutting off the green parts...the juice still turned out bitter and a weird brown-green color that was no good for jelly.  So we are trying again with a new flower today.  We have harvested some of the Lilacs at my sister's old farm and they are steeping until tomorrow night when they can be strained and the juice can be reclaimed.  Interesting enough the jelly is supposed to come out yellow even though the flowers are purple.  
With the nice weather today I got the chicks out and took them to the backyard for some outside exposure.  As I came back to the garage to get the last chick this is what I saw.  Silly Bird was trying to go for a bike ride and was cheeping her head off about being the last one left behind.  Sweetie the duck helped me bring them all out, following me in and out of the breezeway each time I went to get another baby.
Once I got them all outside, they were just as popular.  Stubborn, the rooster on top of the screen, was very upset that he could not get in there and check them out.  All of the Chickens and Ducks took turns coming over to check out the new kids in the yard.  

The little birds enjoyed their time outside and got in about 4 hours of sunshine before the wind picked up at 4pm today and started pulling in a storm.

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