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Friday, April 22, 2016

Okay....I give! #TimeToSeeTheDr

So I've woken up with this junk again...day #5 and I give!  I finally called the Dr's office and got a 9:30 am appointment and hopefully they can help me...All week I have had a congested cough, green snot, a mild fever (nothing over 99.9), and a runny nose...The cough is taking my breath away and as much as I hate to go see a Dr. it is that time again!  First Dr. visit of 2016 (for me) here I come!

Finally broke down and went to the Dr today.  They can tell me that I don't have the Flu and I don't have Strep...but they're not exactly sure what I do have... So for now we are treating me like a person with a sinus infection and hoping for the best...Lol...I did get my Augmentin antibiotic prescription filled (and took the first dose) and got a nebulizer treatment of Albuterol at the office...I have been drinking lots of water and that does seem to keep my coughing to a minimum, but still makes me kinda dizzy when I have a good coughing spell... I am ready to be back to my normal self!  C'mon antibiotics work your magic!

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