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Monday, September 12, 2016

Isabella is gonna lose her first tooth soon!

So last Wednesday when the girls were supposed to be getting jammies on they decided to horseplay instead.  From what she says "Emma laid on the floor and I covered her in blankets, pillows and stuffed animals.... Then I jumped on her... and she wiggled... and I hit my face on the bed!"
 She got a nice bruise on the chin that showed up the next day and a mouth full of bloody teeth...
Day 1                                                           Day 2
Since we hadn't gotten her dentist transferred to the NRV yet I couldn't get her an appointment until this morning, but the mouth heals much quicker than most other parts of the body and by the second day she was looking a lot better... buuuut she did knock one tooth out of place by quite a bit and had 3 other teeth that were fairly loose even after 5 days.  

 The dentist checked things out and said she didn't see any broken teeth or other dental issues, but she does see some grown-up teeth working their way to the surface and that's probably why the three teeth are still so loose...especially the one right in the middle of the x-ray!  My babies are growing and stumbling and fumbling and growing some more while I am doing my best to be here to hold their hands and dry their tears.  I had to show Isabella my x-rays to get hers done. (good thing I already had appt. for myself this morning) She was proud to have a picture of her teeth to share at school when she got there today.  It's shocking how grown-up she is all of a sudden.  She looked like such a big girl when she took off walking down the hall tardy slip in one hand and her x-ray in the other!  I sure do miss my baby girl, but I am also looking forward to all of the adventures we have ahead now that they are getting big enough to do different things.

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