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Thursday, September 22, 2016

The latest VT shawl is almost complete! #SomethingSpecial

I have been working on my latest VT Hokies shawl for about a week now on and off.  These shawls take a lot more time than the ones that are a solid color, but I am extremely happy with how this one turned out and I can't wait to get it finished up!
I have the loom set to a 6 1/2 foot shawl and I used a pattern of 8, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1 and repeated until I had a section of 4 strands of Maroon coming in from each side to form the middle column.
It is still early tonight and I plan to keep working on the fringe, but I did get a good start today!  If all goes well I will have it done before I leave for Bedford, VA tomorrow and it will be ready for the Craft show this weekend!

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