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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Onto the next adventure! #NHBound

Over the summer my husband did some traveling for work to Manchester, NH.  He would fly out on Monday and back on Friday and I would stay in VA with the kids.  This week his company is sending him back to NH and I get to tag along!

I have been to 19 states so far ... VA, WV, OH, MI, IN, IL, KY, TN, GA, FL, MD, PA, DC, NC, SC, AZ, UT, NV, and NJ... and this trip will bring me up to 20/50!  Who knows maybe one day I will get to see all 50 states!

For now, I am just grateful that Mom is being awesome, as usual!  She will be taking care of the kids while we are gone and making sure they get to and from the bus stop each day.  It took almost two pages on a legal pad to write out our morning and afternoon routines, but she's a pro and I know they will all be fine!

I will try to post updates with pictures while we are gone, but if I can't then it will give everyone something to look forward to on Friday! 

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