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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Field Trip to Mill Mountain Zoo!

Today I got to join Emma and Isabella's class on their field trip to Mill Mountain Zoo!  We had a lot of fun together and are ready to go back again!  
The first animal that we got to see at the zoo was the Snow Leopard!  The girls loved the snow leopard and wanted to tame it and take it home...

...so I did the best thing I could think of and I took a video for them instead!  I love hearing the kids talking about the Snow Leopard in the background of the video.  Since we were on a Head Start field trip and I wasn't able to take any videos showing the kids, but it is still nice to be able to hear their voices!
The girls really liked the Aviary enclosure!  There were several different types of birds flying freely inside and it was nice to be able to see them so closely without having to look through the bars or fencing....
Unfortunately, with 16 three to five year-olds in the aviary enclosure meant the birds did not really feel like being still for pictures, but I was able to get a couple of good pictures!
We got to see Aiden's favorite, the Red Panda, for a few minutes today.  I think the one they have here is larger than the ones we saw in the Chattanooga Zoo in TN last year.  Since Aiden couldn't be with us today we did get him a Red Panda post card that he loved!
This is a Patagonian Cavy...I couldn't resist snapping a photo of it looking like a cross between a rabbit, squirrel, and kangaroo...Lol...
The turtles were moving so slowly that there was a debate over rather they were real or not...Lol...
If you look very closely at the top of the stick, you can see a tiny little Screech Owl.  I really don't think he could have been more than 8 inches tall.
The Lynx was Emma's overall favorite and she loved it so much she just had to had the Lynx stuffy from the Gift Shop before we left.
These were some of the tiniest monkeys I have ever seen.  Their faces couldn't have been bigger than a half dollar and I think they are adorable little things...Aiden on the other hand said they look creepy!
I signed Emma and Isabella out of class when their field trip was over and we hung out at the zoo for about an extra 30 minutes or so...
They wanted to revisit the Snow Leopard, this statue and...
...and the aviary...where I got one last good look at all the beautiful birds!

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