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Thursday, August 18, 2016

A roller coaster of a day... #TimeForBed

My day has been an emotional roller coaster that started with me being enraged by a "Spoof" piece I didn't realize was a farce at first.  Next I had a phone call that ended in great disappointment, the Marketplace has asked for a little more information about the insurance available through my husband's employer but things aren't sounding promising at all. I have been dealing with this for over 9 months and the prospect that things wouldn't turn out how I hoped was so devastating to me and a final straw that will be ending my chances of being able to make things work out working a simple part-time job.  

I had to face a lot of fears today that I haven't had to worry about for awhile.  Mainly how can I work and still be there for my family like I want to be.  I love doing Cub Scouts with Aiden.  The girls want to be Daisy Scouts and I want to be able to do that with them.  Aiden expressed an interest in sports for the first time ever. I love making things to send to market.  I don't want to miss these things when I go back to work, but I know I am so afraid that I am going to have to make sacrifices somewhere in there when I go back to working a full-time job away from home.  Buuuut.... The time has come for me to go back to a full-timer somewhere.
With that being said I did a lot of thinking today.  I did a lot of talking it out with my BFF Christy.  I decided I am going to continue to weave as much as I can and make as many jellies and jams as I can while I start searching for the start to my next career (I even have an order for my breads next week!)... but that search is getting started sooner rather than later now.  All of my kids are in school now and it has been the plan for awhile that I would go back to working what people keep calling a "real" job.

I am afraid it will be hard to find a job that doesn't disrupt our current schedule too much, but I got my resume updated today and started my research.  There are a lot of options of there and I have a variety of experience to work with.  I started my search with what I know best... "Customer Service".  So far I have found two jobs that look interesting and at least one of them pays good... hopefully this task will be less daunting than it seems right now.  :0)  

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