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Tuesday, August 9, 2016

First Day of School 2016!

Even though I was not feeling the greatest today, I sucked it up and tried to have some fun while we were waiting on the bus this morning!

We took lots of pictures...
...of all three kids...

...a silly group "selfie"...
All three kids were still smiling when they got off the bus and each had different stories to tell.  When I asked Aiden what the best parts of his day were he was especially excited that his teacher made some "Jitter Juice" and read the "First Day Jitters" storybook as one of her icebreakers.  Another favorite...he made 3 friends on his first day at AES that play Pokemon too...His least favorite part of the day was riding the bus and I don't blame him there, but at least it sounds like the students on this bus may be a little nicer than the kids on his last bus... so I'm crossing my fingers that he can make it work!
 When I asked Isabella what her favorite thing about today... she answered "playing on the playgrounds.  Both girls said they didn't make any new friends today, but they still had fun...so that's ok...  When I asked Isabella what the worst part of her day was she said "Well Mrs. Facemire was a little mean to me..." I replied "Really? How was she mean to you?" and her response was priceless.  "When we were on the playground she only pulled my swing back once and only pushed me one time....and she didn't even push very hard..."  I contained my amusement and supressed my giggles and reassured her that I thought it was nice of her teacher to help at all... though she didn't seem convinced...LoL... 

Then there's Emma...she could tell me so many details of her day that she loved it amazed me.  I love it when she has something "real" to talk about!  Emma said her favorite thing she did today was "doing our craft project for you Mom...I colored a picture and I did it the right way!" she said as she dug her masterpiece out of her folder.  It's really the best one I have seen her do...(you can check it out below)  She also enjoyed singing songs and doing some science activity that used the sense of smell. It sounds like it was a pretty good day for all of them!

While I was at Kindergarten orientation the teacher mentioned that buses would be a little late on the first day especially, but should get home a little sooner after that... So we went to the bus stop at the time estimated by the school and we waited... and waited... and waited... for 40 minutes we stood at the bus stop!  I was so relieved when they finally came over the hill and even more so when I saw their smiling faces again! I am really hoping that I can get that timing down a little better tomorrow and that I feel better so that the waiting isn't so hard!  I felt so bad today I didn't get much done other than sleeping, drinking water and thinking about eating... after dinner I made myself run out and take the movies back to the Red Box and let them play at the park for about 20 minutes....and what do ya know... I pulled the girls back, gave them one good push and they finally started swinging on their own!  

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