When my Grandma passed away last January, my Mom was left some personal possessions. She put them in storage in May until she could retrieve them from Michigan, where my Grandma lived. Unfortunately, plans had fallen through time and again for her things to be brought home. So on Friday Josh and I left for an adventure...
We dropped the kids off with Mom at 6 pm Friday and traded vehicles for the trip. Then we set off for my cousin Kimmie's house! My husband started the journey behind the wheel and drove until about 1:30 AM on Saturday before we pulled over at a rest stop to grab about 4 hours of sleep in the back of the truck. **Note to self- do NOT do this without an air mattress again...lol

At around 6 am on Saturday we woke up, climbed out of the back of the truck and took off again. We had made it a little North of Columbus Ohio and still had quite a drive ahead.

I drove for awhile in the morning and missed the chance to take pictures, but we saw some neat things on our trip. On Friday night, we saw a 3 alarm fire at a food warehouse in Columbus. (From a good distance thankfully) Then Saturday morning, we saw a red tailed hawk land in the median and the wind farms in Western Ohio before getting to Michigan.

Though I have made that trip many times in my life, I haven't gotten to make it with my husband until this year. Now we have made the trip twice, once by plane and once by car. I still can't decide which is worse, but neither is easy. Since we managed to get to Michigan a couple of hours before we needed to be at Kimmie's we headed a little farther North to Jackson MI and visited a few other cousins. It was nice to see a little more of the family while we were in town even though our visit was very short. We got to see my cousin Ray, his girlfriend, two of his kids and even a grandbaby! Ky is adorable and usually all smiles for pictures... but I don't think she wanted to leave.

Once we picked up the trailer we would be towing home and got everything loaded we had a little time to relax and get another good meal before hitting the hay...

Being at Kimmie's house was just like being at home and all the animals made it easy to unwind... She has some adorable goats, chickens, call ducks, muscovy ducks and some wild rabbits that have made her yard their home!
I really enjoyed the goats the most of all the animals! They were so interactive and just too darn cute! I could have stayed for days, but we had to get back to the kids and our responsibilities back at home. So we got a little sleep and took off a little after 3 am Sunday to come back home!
It has taken a few days to bounce back from such and arduous trip, but I am finally getting back in the swing of things and getting the house put back together too. I am so thankful that my husband was able to drive most of the trip. Just being in the car was uncomfortable, but when I was towing the trailer and it got squirrelly I got stressed too. Josh was more than willing to take the wheel again and then it started raining... if it weren't for him I may still be making my way home! ((Thank you so much for you help Honey))
I have been working on a new teal shawl that I hope to be able to show off tomorrow, some baking to do and some cute pictures the girls teacher sent to show off... For now I need to get my schedule down for tomorrow and get some sleep so I can have a good productive day again!
I have been working on a new teal shawl that I hope to be able to show off tomorrow, some baking to do and some cute pictures the girls teacher sent to show off... For now I need to get my schedule down for tomorrow and get some sleep so I can have a good productive day again!
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