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Saturday, August 27, 2016

New Shawls, Cub Scout Fun and Nesting Ducks... oh my!

As promised I have some pretty pictures today!
I do wish the colors in my pictures were consistent, but none-the-less I love the colors in this new shawl.  I got three skeins of this yarn so that the edging can be done in a pretty crocheted ruffle.  This is going to be beautiful when we are done with it!
Next is one of my favorite colors, Petunia stripes!  This will be the third shawl I have made out of this color and it has been a hit each time it has been shown at market!  This one has already been reserved by someone, plus I have some new Hokie yarn in a wool blend and some wool from Ireland in the plans... Stay tuned for updates on these projects and more in the coming weeks!

I am proud to say that my Blueberry Lavender Jam set nicely last night and I have 3 new batches of low sugar spreads ready to label for market this week!  My Blueberry Lavender Jam has been a big hit and I am interested to see how our customers like my Low Sugar Apple Rhubarb Jam and Low Sugar Marigold Jelly next week!
 After a long day of making goods for market it was great to relax with the kids for a couple of hours at a pool party hosted by Pack 348 in Riner.  Aiden surprised me when he insisted that he couldn't swim without his snorkel that got left at home, but he commandeered some pool noodles that had been deserted and still had some fun.  It was interesting to me that the other kids were more than ready to help Aiden back to the shallow end, but they did not seem to want to play with him.  Eventually he worked his way into a water gun battle and things seemed to work out a little bit...I hope the other boys are as accepting of him and patient with him as his teacher has been.  We do still have a few more weeks until den meetings start.  Aiden is super excited to get back into a regular schedule with that.   Plus he mentioned playing basketball the other day and he is hopeful that we can add that in too! aaannnnd of course the girls want to be girl scouts.... This school year is going to be an adventure for sure! ...here and on the Homestead...

This is "Sweetie" and she is set to be the next "Momma Duck" at the Something Special Homestead.  I'm not sure exactly what day she started her nest but on Wednesday, last week, she had 5 or 6 eggs that I was able to count so she may still be collecting at this point.  Sweetie is one of Lucky's ducklings that hatched at the Homestead last Fall.  She will eat out of my hand and let me pet her without even nipping at me.  This is my baby and I can't wait to see what her ducklings look like in about 6-7 weeks.  One of my other favorite ducks "Pretty Girl" has also started a new nest as well so we should have a new selection of ducklings ready for sale in Mid-October!

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