We have moved a lot ...well in general... Sometimes it was for a job sometimes it was for other reasons... Now that we have kids each time we move we have to learn all about a new school system! I have found that moving from state-to-state is by far the biggest pain. Sure when you change school districts there is a new "book" of forms to fill out, but when you change states you have to get their physicals redone for the new state and you have to have their immunizations verified by a Dr. in the new state too! This year gladly we just changed school districts!

This year we have landed at AES and we are excited so far! Tonight at Back-to-School night the kids got to take in their supplies and meet their new teachers, both of which seem very nice! I have already filled out all of the forms I have gotten for the girls and gotten their lunch money turned in. Plus we did a scavenger hunt in their classroom to pick out desks, cubby holes and lunch for Tuesday! The girls got to get familiar with their new classroom and they both hugged their teacher goodbye, then asked to go back to school tomorrow.

After getting the girls taken care of we went over to Aiden's new classroom and met his 3rd grade teacher. I filled out some paperwork, had him unload his book bag into his cubby and we looked around for a few minutes before heading home! The kids were excited about the treats their teachers had for back-to-school night (Aiden's teacher gave out glow bracelets to her students that will "Shine like a Star" this year and the girls got "Kindergarten Survival Kits" from their new teacher! I can tell Aiden and Emma are nervous about going to a new school, but I am hopeful that they will have a great year here and be more excited about going back to school next fall!

As my kids grow up more and more I get less and less pictures of them it seems... but they were gracious enough to stand by the wall at AES on the way back to the car! Aiden was trying really hard not to smile, but I could tell they were all at least a little impressed!
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