Today was the Star Reader's Party at Radford Public Library! All three of my children read over 40 hours this summer to earn their invitations and this party has been a great motivator to keep their reading momentum up throughout the whole summer. We tracked their minutes online and collected their prizes as we visited the library each week. The prizes the kids have earned so far have included a treasure box prize, pool pass, zoo pass and a free book! They also earned raffle tickets for every 25 activity points, which will be drawn on Aug. 8th. The winners will be notified via e-mail and prizes will be available for pick-up at the library! They definitely won the Summer reading challenge and none of them did a backslide in reading! :0)

The library was hoping to host most of the party in the outdoor garden area, but the sprinkling steady rain kept discouraging most people from being outside. The librarians didn't miss a beat as they turned on some kids music and a bubble machine inside and started some arts and crafts projects! The kids started the party with a snack of cookies and freezie pops while they watched the bubble machine fill the children's section with rainbow bubbles!

Then the girls and I enjoyed some arts and crafts time! Isabella's craft turned out to be a flower which the librarian proudly wore atop her head and Emma made a beautiful butterfly craft that she brought home!

Lastly, we all moved outside for some water play fun! There was a steady light rain, but thankfully no thunder so we still got to enjoy some fun outside! The kids liked the dunking tank the best and all took turns dunking the Children's Librarian! ...

...And they also enjoyed throwing water balloons at each other and blowing bubbles of their own out in the garden!
All-in-all I would say that I was very satisfied with the 2016 Summer Reading Program at Radford Library and I hope that we can take part in it again next year!
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