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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

How do you get excercise?

Last year, much to my father's dismay, we bought a 12 foot trampoline for our son, who at the time was 3 years old.  Now needless to say this was really a pretty big investment, but we have been determined to preserve it and even took it down for the winter monthes and the pathetic snow we managed to get this past winter.  We also wanted to make sure that this trampoline did not end up costing us in medical bills, if possible, so we also invested in the enclosure. 

I am very happy to say, for us this has been an investment that was well worth every penny that we spent on it.  Aiden spent many hours bouncing and tumbling on it last year and has been begging for weeks now, for us to put it back up again this year.  As soon as it was back together again, Aiden was once again on his trampoline bouncing away and ran in and out all afternoon to jump some more.  It is great excercise for him and us, so if you are thinking twice about making this investment and you have the money to spend or better yet if you can find one for free, this is something I have not had regrets about owning and I think every family that can have one does.

With that being said there are also lots of other ways to excercise, and for most I would say it should be done more, myself included.  Excercise is a good way to lose weight of course, but it also improves circulation, concentration, and over-all health.  I admit that even though I do not need to lose weight, I do really need to get more active again, and though I would like to count taking care of 3 kids as excercise, in most cases its really not, in my opinion anyways.  So, with all of that said, when I went to orientation on Monday the HR rep was talking about a Walking Program that sounded interesting.  I looked into it a little more yesterday and have decided to register for it, to help motivate me to get up and get active.  This program is being sponsored by the American Heart Association and as a HSN employee (while supplies last) I will be receiving a pedometer to keep track of how much I walk in a day so that I can keep track of my progress as well as set goals for myself.  If you would like to get involved as well go to http://www.startwalkingnow.org/ and get registered today!

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