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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Our week in a nutshell :)

I am getting back into the swing of having a job and juggling all the other things I have going on in life.  Sometimes it surprises me when I find out that people actually read my blog, but it really does put a smile on my face.  Last weekend I left everyone wondering what our new news was.  So here it is..... Josh has decided to go back to work while he is in school.  For right now he will be working two days a week at the gas station at the end of our road and we will see how it goes.  We decided prior to him getting a job that if it started to affect his ability to keep up with school, the job will have to go, but he really wants to feel like he is contributing to the household's finances so I am supporting his decision to add to his stress load.

I can't believe the girls are a year old already.  Emma is up to 10 teeth and Isabella is trying hard to catch up. I love picking Isabella up in the morning and feeling her hug my neck and seeing Emma's curls grow out more and more each day too.  The girls are doing better, each day it seems like there is less and less snot coming out of their pretty little heads.   Every day it seems like they are getting better and better at walking and just growing so quick. 

Aiden is growing like a weed too and getting more and more spoiled by the day.  His Grandma and Papaw gave him their old tv, that has a built in VHS player and his Daddy put it in his room and connected it to the satellite system.  (It has been a good motivation for him to do the things we ask without as much push back, which has been a nice change)  Aiden and I reorganized his room again today and reassigned areas for certain things and we went through his clothes again and took some more things out that don't fit him anymore. Now we just have to make sure that his new sitter knows where things belong so that she can make sure he cleans his room the right way on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  We have been teaching Aiden how to organize his things so that when he wants to play with something he knows where to find it.  Even though it does make cleaning a little more time consuming he does seem to play with all of his toys more than the average child.

I am really enjoying my position with HSN so far.  Even though I am still in training it has been great getting to work from home.  My favorite part is getting to see the family on breaks, but it is also super sweet that Bastian (my oldest cat) can sit on my lap all night while I work (and he does).  I am excited to get to start taking phone calls and seeing how successful I can actually be in a sales position.

Though it is early for me to be calling it a night, I am going to go put the kids to bed and curl up with my sweet hubby for a little TV time, before he hits the hay. (He is working 7am - 3pm so he needs to get to sleep a little earlier than me) Goodnight All!!! I will try to keep my blog updated a little better over the next week, but if nothing else I will definitely see you all next Saturday :)

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