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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Training is coming to an end :) !?!

I find it amusing that I have been itching to take that "first" phone call for over a week now, yet when the trainer announced today that the first call would be taken on Friday I found myself getting nervous.  During all of my "mock calls" with others in training I have gotten a lot of positive feedback, but now I am starting to question how well I will really do "live".  For whatever reason I feel like there are thousands of questions that I have not asked yet, but I just have to remember to breathe and just do the best I can and everything will fall into place. I hope anyways.  It has at all of my previous jobs, so at least I have that to look back on, i just really didn't think I would get this nervous.  So far the training has been very extensive, and the system has seemed to be user friendly, the real test will come on Friday when I get to talk to "real live" customers and see if there really is a normal call. ~Breathe in, Breathe out, Breathe in, Breathe out~ ~Everything is going to be okay, Everything is going to be ok, Everything is going to be ok~  Half of the battle is learning the products and procedures for the new company and the other half is just getting past that first call. I am sure that once I get past the first call, I will be ready to earn those fabulous upsell bonus's and contests offered to the Sales agents.  Best of all once I get some spendable Kash i will be able to spend HSN Kash for great items or just to get an even better discount.

On a lighter note, we took the girls on the trampoline yesterday and today and they really love bouncing.  it is so cute to listen to them giggle and squeal with delight as they bounce.  I love that the trampoline is versatile enough to provide entertainment for everyone in the house from our 1 year olds to their Gramma's when they come to visit (yes we have gotten both Gramma's on the trampoline at least once)  The best thing about our trampoline is the enclosure net that prevents any accidental bounce offs or babies crawling off the edge, i definitely recommend that anyone with children and a large trampoline make that extra investment. 

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