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Monday, March 26, 2012

What a fun day!

This morning I got to take the kids to the park.  Luckily mom and a friend came along, because I really never realized just how hard it can be to keep up with Aiden.  The girls had fun on the swings and Aiden had a play date with his friend, Anna, from story time.  We had brought his soccer ball with us, but had left it in the car, because his friend got there at the same time we did and he had other things on his mind.  It didn't take long though and I noticed that Aiden had disappeared. I was over by the smaller kids play area and had the girls in the baby swings, when I noticed that Aiden hadn't come down a slide or crossed my vision for like literally a minute. So I quickly handed the girls off to Anna's mom and my own, and went looking for Aiden.  At first I thought he was just on a part of the big kids play area that I couldn't see from my vantage point, then when I realized that wasn't the case, of course panic set in real quick.  As soon as I turned around to scan the picinic area and the path to the bathroom I saw a lady I didn't know coming back down from the parking lot with Aiden in tow.  I wanted to be mad that he ran off, but all I could feel was the relief that he was okay and in my line of sight again. Apparently, Aiden decided that he was big enough to go back to the car for his soccer ball all by himself and when he couldn't find the car he got scared.  I scolded him as any good mother would and then told him I needed to get at least one of his sisters and we could all go back to the car to retrieve the ball he wanted so badly.  We managed to survive the rest of our playdate without any further panic attacks, but one is enough for me.  At least everything turned out okay, but I don't think I will go back to such a big playground without an adult for each child for awhile.  We will be sticking to the school playgrounds for awhile, with the security of the smaller palyground to watch and the surrounding fence.   All in all it was a nice day to go to the park and I got some great pictures. I will try to get them added to this post sometime during the day tomorrow. :) Goodnight for now :)  

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