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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My babies are growing up :) / :(

I had forgotten how messy babies are when they start to feed themselves.  We have been letting the girls have finger foods for awhile now, but mostly dry things, like yougurt bites, puffs, goldfish, and cherrio's.  Over the past week though we have given them raviolis, meat sticks, veggies, potatoes, and all sorts of other mushy stuff.  They love to feed themselves, but boy can they smear stuff everywhere.  Most importantly, when feeding oneself you must see what the food feels like in your hair.  Ewwww.  It is nice that they are gaining some independance, but at the same time it reminds me that they will not be babies much longer and that makes me sad.  Though I know I don't want to have anymore babies, it seems like children don't stay babies long enough, and before you know it they are walking and talking and tearing stuff up.

The neat thing about our kids birthdays being so close together is that they all have their yearly doctor visits around the same time.  Last year we were able to schedule an appointment for our son with his doctor and another appointment for the girls with their doctor at the same time in the same office.  I took the girls and my husband took our son and we were done in no time.  I had asked before about making a triple appointment and they told me they could only schedule 2 kids for one slot in the past, but this time they agreed. So, this year all three kids will see the same doctor in the same appointment.  They will all get their shots and I will be feeling sorry for their daddy, since this is all going to happen on my first day at my new job, unfortunately for him I will not be able to go with them and help this time.  I am hoping that someone will be available to go with him, but if not he is going to be more than happy to see me when I get off work that day.

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