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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Ups and downs of life :)

I hate that I always seem to take the kids to the Doctor a day before they are bad enough to treat, then I really don't want to go back the next day.  Emma has been fighting a "cold" since Wednesday and she has managed to give it to both Aiden and Isabella.  Izzy is the only one without a temperature, but I swear if I had been collecting all the snot I have wiped from their faces and sucked from their noses I would have a pretty big bottle by now.  Emma seems to have it the worst and has been running a temp from 99.4 to 101.4, but she came back negative for strep so it must either be a "cold" mixed with a reaction to the shots she had on Monday (? really I'm supposed to buy that ?) or she is coming down with strep and it's just not detectable yet.  My back still hurts from spening the night in Aiden's bed on Thursday night while he had a slew of bad dreams and I am just really hoping all my babies feel better soon and start having more pleasant dreams.

There have been some great things going on this week, in retrospect I can't say it has been all bad.  I am doing really good in training for HSN, and keep getting compliments from my co-workers on how I seem to be able to put it altogether and sound sincere and professional. :) I really can't wait for training to be over at this point so I can get to selling, but I know there is more I need to learn about the products first. :)  I read the first book in the Hunger Games Trilogy this week and I am 3/4 of the way through "Catching Fire."  OMG* What an awesome series!!! The first book held me on til the very end and I have been ignoring my hubby and my chores to read the second one for the past couple of days, so I put the book down a couple of hours ago and have been having some hubby time.... it is such a good story I can't wait til I get the chance to get back to it, to see what happens next. :) Josh has been offered some new opportunities, I will go into those more tomorrow since he wants to share that news with a few people first and I would hate to "steal his thunder!" :)

Even though life comes in ups and downs, it would be pretty boring if nothing ever happened :)

*Oh My Gosh*

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