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Friday, March 9, 2012

Upcoming activities for pre-school and grade school kids in Roanoke County

Aiden and I went to story time at Glenvar branck library today and enjoyed stories about rain storms.  This session is based around weather.  For the art project each of the kids got to decorate a tornado picture with flying objects.  At the end of the session while the kids were playing on the children's computer some of the mothers started talking about Easter plans and activities.

Glenvar Branch library is sponsoring a Preschool party on Wednesday, April 4th, at Greenhill Park in Salem at 10:30 AM.  Make sure to dress for outdoor activities, bring a basket and a treat to share with others.  If it is raining that day the activities will be moved to the Fort Lewis Fire Station.  For the grade school kids, there will be an Eggstravaganza (grades k-5), Thursday April 5th, from 6:30 to 7:30 PM at the Fort Lewis Fire Station.  For more details about these events please contact Amelia Ross @ 387-6163.

Since the subject had turned to Easter activities, I started looking up information about upcoming Easter Egg hunts and where the Easter Bunny will be visiting.  Last year I took Aiden to the egg hunt at Longwood Park and even though the parents were not supposed to be helping the kids, a lot of them did and the ones that starting helping first had the kids with the most eggs in the end.  I was trying to allow Aiden to have some independence since he had recently turned 3 and had done this a time or tw before, unfortunately since I wasn't helping him at first he only got 5 eggs.  Now mind you the fact that he only got 5 eggs wasn't that bad, since there were a lot of kids out there, but the fact that only 2 out of the 5 actually had something in them was rather disheartening to him.  Needless to say, i don't want to go back to that egg hunt again.  When I started asking the other mother's at storytime, they said their favorite was at Bethel Baptist.  I found one website with some information for this area --- http://www.salemnews.net/page/content.detail/id/541128/EASTER-EGG-HUNTS---ACTIVITIES.html?nav=5002  Have any of you been to any of these events in the past? What did you think about them?

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