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Monday, September 24, 2012

Blanket Forts are the best!!! The twins are outgrowing our efforts to contain them !!!

Aiden and I were up to our old antics again and built a TV tent that he could watch "his" TV shows in. He loves it when we put our imaginations to work and make things into something new.  Sometimes I swear I could just get a bunch of boxes in different sizes for my children instead of real gifts and they would enjoy them just as much as the things they do get.  I am proud that they can enjoy simple things in life.

We have been having trouble getting the girls to sit down on the couch, not climb over or go around the gate so we decided to start prepping their room to be a playroom and a bedroom in one, since we can contain them there. The best way to baby-proof a space in my opinion, is to put the baby in that space and keep moving things around until they can only get to the safe things...

...this creates a ginormous multi day task and mess...

As much as we try to convince the babies that they are going to smash their fingers, they still think the closet is a great place to play.... and Emma thinks all clothes should be able to go over her head--- here she is featured wearing a NB onsie as a scarf.  LoL. 

Izzy is a jumper like her brother was when he was little, poor kid looks like we beat her, but she does it all to herself.  This is the worst I have seen her do to her face, it is the result of jumping out of the toy box.  What can you do, but let them learn and grow. 

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