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Saturday, September 15, 2012

My little Monkeys!!!

Since we stopped using our pack-n-play it has become a glorified toy box.  This was no callenge for Emma though...

... she just climbs right in, finds a new toy and climbs out again....

...and enjoys her new-found treasure..... Sissy is not quite the monkey that she is and unfortunately gets pretty upset when she gets stuck in the pack-n-play and cannot get out again.  I solved that problem today by getting some large red bucket totes for the living room and finally taking out the pack-n-play.... It was so nice to get some of that space back.

We are so bogged down with day-to-day life we still have yet to finish the project of replacing two of the doors in the house.  Mom came over last Wednesday and helped watch ids while J and I shimmed and secured the door, added some insulation around it and then figured out we needed new trim boards since the new door is taller that the old one was.

Due to a lack of hands it is rare that they girls get to come outside and play on the outdoor toys.  While mom was visiting Emma refused to take her nap as usual so Grandma let her play instead.

When Aiden wasn't looking she stole his "motorcycle" and made him very sad... she knew that with the smallest chance Bubby would take back his prized big wheel so she did everything she could to stay on it at all costs.

Aiden was very happy to see her take his bike as a trade so that he could reclaim his bigwheel....

....and try to sneakily run over his sisters toes for the satisfaction of it without getting caught, but Grandma was watching and scolded him until he gave up.

Emma found a friend in Tiger Butt and surprisingly he let her walk up to him and pet him without running away.

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