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Monday, September 17, 2012

Having fun and getting organized :)

It was such a beautiful day on Saturday that we took the kids outside to play for a little while.  Emma was having tons of fun on the trampoline until she figured out that we had shut the door behind her.

I got in with the girls hoping that Emma would be happier if I were there to join them.  She stayed and played for a little while and then shortly after Aiden joined us she decided it was time to go.  Aiden still gets a little wound up, but Izzy is tough and for the most part just laughs and has fun with it.

I did finally get a picture of each girl with minimal motion blur. Izzy was taking a break on the trampoline and this morning Emma was using a cloth eggshell for a hat.  Interestingly enough the eggshell zips around a little chick that makes noise when you shake it that I have had since I was a young child.  I remember seeing the chick in Aiden's room when I was cleaning it out today and he has also enjoyed playing with the set for a few years now too.

It took a little over an hour to get Aiden's room under control today.  We took all sorts of toys out of his room to move to the basement until I can sort them out.  Several of them will become hand-me-downs for the girls, and I am hoping that at some point the rest can find a good home at someone else's house.  It was really nice to be able to get Aiden's room emptied out a little so that he as room to play in there.

Tomorrow we are going to get the rest of the supplies to finish the kitchen door installation and we are hoping that we can also fiinish the front door this week too.  Then we can get back to collecting firewood for the winter and getting it to Mom's house so that we can get it split before it gets too cold outside.

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