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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Farm fresh fun and learnig about sharing :)

It has been a long time since Aiden was given the opportunity to spend the night with his Grandma and she made sure he had a spectacular time.  They went to an old country fair with all of his cousins (except one), Aunt Barbara and Uncle Steve.  There was a big petting zoo, people riding horses, and cows to ride.  Between my mom and my sister I was able to snag some pictures of the fun to share, thanks y'all. 

William's bunnies and Barb's sheep.

Aiden and William with a Dexter cow, I was assured it was NOT a bull ;)

Aiden and Logan learning about where milk comes from.

Ok so as the mother of twins I always thought it was silly to get two of the same toy.  Now I have gotten color co-ordinating stuffed animals and dolls, but big toys really I think they should be able to share.  Being less than 1 1/2 the girls are not quite sure about this whole "sharing" concept.  So after the first time we gave them the ride on toy we only had the one and they both wanted to play with it, but without close supervision there were many battles including hair pulling, screaming and pushing.  So brilliant idea, give them two of the same thing.... sure Bubby's is older and missing some stuff, but apparently it is much cooler, cause the girls fought over the old one instead of the new one.... and it absolutely broke their heart if their sister sat on it.  Unfortunately it ended up that one of them got to play with both of the ride on toys at a time while the other took a turn in their room.

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