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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Bribery may not be the best plan :)

Ok, ok, ok.... I have learned why it can be a bad idea to bribe a kid to behave, lol.  Aiden was having a lot of trouble adjusting to school, and we have been working on a lot of positive re-enforcement including rewards for accomplishing certain milestones.  He got a transformer after he rode the bus to school for an entire week, then he started wanting one each day he was good. He would even get off the bus and ask "Mommy did you get me a transformer today? I was good all day at school to earn one." It was sad to see him go to his room and pout in his bed, he realy felt like he had done all of the right things to "earn" a new toy and I was proud that he had not ended up in the pricipal's office (he has been there quite a bit) or seperated during activities. 

Now Transformers are not cheap ever, but at least I have been able to find some good deals at Ollie's and Big Lots. Still I am not made of money and definitely cannot get him one a day,  or one a week for that matter. On top of that I think he has the ones available at both stores and I need to find another place that I can get them at a good deal since Aiden has decided that Transformers are the best thing in the world.  He has gotten fairly good at transforming the ones that he already has, but they have all been listed as level 2 or 3 and he does have trouble.  J and I on the other hand are pros at them and Aiden takes full advantage of that.  This time I decided to go with a level 1 intermediate and it is harder to work than the other ones are, go figure.  If anyone knows where I can get some more at a good price please let me know, if nothing else I am gonna need to buy more for Christmas.

I am very proud of Aiden and the progress he has made so I think our next step will be a chore/behavior chart that he can complete to earn an allowance and purchase his own toys.  Hopefully this will also help to teach him the value of money, so he will understand why he can't have one of everything.  I love him enough to give him the world, I just can't afford it.  :)

On a different note, I also wanted to mention that Aiden is picking up on math.  I have been quizzing him and I am amazed at how he uses his fingers to decide what the answer should be.  For example, Aiden asked for 6 strawberries, after I had 3 on his plate I asked how many more I should add and without missing a beat he answered "3."  Since then I have asked him similar questions and have seen him figure out the problem correctly each time.  My little man amazes me time and time again.

Mommy loves you Aiden, you will always be my baby boy and I am so proud of you!

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