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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Time to potty train or time for duct tape?

I remember going through a poop art stage with Aiden when he was about 1 1/2 years old.  He would fill his diaper and then pull it off and smear poop everywhere.  With the girls, I was hoping we would just skip over that stage, but Emma in all of her glory doesn't like to wait for us to take her diaper off, she would rather do it herself.  Now, so far she is just throwing the turds if there are any and not smearing them across everything, but still eeeewwwww!  Our solution?  Duct tape -- just kidding---  An outfit that she cannot get off ((and believe me these are few and far between).  We have started putting her in either one piece outfits or putting a oniesie shirt on her and pants with it.  I really don't feel like it is a god time to potty train them since they are still in their crib and they don't quite talk. 
Next Issue: Containment....hmmmm.....Well I counted and it would take like 43 screws to baby proof the kitchen... 43.... really that sounds a little excessive, so instead of doing that we had expanded the play yard so that it  gave the girls most of the living room.  Unfortunately, in order to get in and out of the living room the "big" people have to step or climb over the gate....needless to say Izzy figured that one out quick and started using the couch as a ladder to get out of the contained area to the area around the TV and fireplace.  ((Sorry GG - Izzy destroyed your favorite violet)) Once we convinced the girls that climbing over the end of the couch was not allowed Emma started moving the side table and recliner out from the wall so that they can create their own little escape route and walk right out.  So now, unless we have time to sit in the living room while they run around,  it has lost it's usefulness.  I still haven't finished with the girls room and I am trying to get it twin-proofed against a constant tornado effect.  Right now it is in a state of dis-array with a pile of blankets in the corner and socks mixed with toys and clothes scattered across the floor.  I am hoping to get a handle on their room while I am off work tomorrow or Friday, but we have such a busy day already that I am not sure we can fit one more thing in.

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