
Welcome to our world... I hope you enjoy your visit and come back often to see what new things we have gotten into.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Craft show sneek peek and new photos of the girls!!! :)

As requested I am providing a sneak peek of a couple of the crafts I have completed for the upcoming craft show. On the left is a scarf I made out of Sashay yarn that is 60" long. On the right is a Christmas Tree ornament that I completed tonight.  I hope to finish a second Sashay scarf and start on some christmas spiders over the next couple of days and I will post pictures as soon as they are ready.

As promised here are some of the better shots of the girls form our morning photo shoot we had yesterday :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Art can be open to interpretaion, just make sure your interprtation matches the artists LoL!

Aiden brought this art project home before Thanksgiving break.  When I saw it I thought of the fingers as branches....

Several days later I was informed that I had hung the picture upside down.  I was slightly confused, so Aiden explained that the fingers were actually supposed to be the trees roots, not the branches.  LoL.  It was so cute to listen to his matter-of-fact explanation. Since then I have changed the way it was displayed....It just goes to show that art is open for interpretation! ;)

I got out the camera today and took about 40 shots of the girls while they were running free.  Most of the shots were badly timed or blurred from the constant motion, but I did catch some really great shots, these are a preview with more to come soon....

Monday, November 26, 2012

My hunting expedition!!!

Even though I hate to admit fault, yes Alice you were right, I definitely felt a lot worse after hunting than before.  The next day I woke up and felt like I had swallowed a hot coal, sinus drainage, pain still going on from pleurisy, runny nose.  It was awful... I can say that I finally sneezed today without feeling pain, which is some awesome improvement for me.  Granted I added another round of antibiotics to my daily regimen, but alas there is improvement and that is improving life in so many ways. :)

It was nice to spend some time in the woods with my wonderful Hubby.  Though it was eriely quiet on the mountain that day and I fell and busted my butt on the way down in the dark. ((I did score the flashlight and J carried my gun the rest of the way out)) ;)  It was an honor for me to have the chance to take my 12-gauge Ithica to the woods again after skipping out on hunting to stay at home pregnant and then with babies for 5 years. I hope to have a chance to go again, I got my first and only kill with my Daddies gun and I hope to get a nice buck with the gun he handed down to me one day. 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Aiden's Christmas Art projects are under way!!!

Aiden has been at it again!!!  Poor kid is bursting at the seams with excitement about the arrival of Christmas.  He wants to decorate the house, which we will do soon, but in the meantime art projects will have to do.

He loved making a wreath in a color pattern!

This is actually my tree, I was trying to figure out the best way to make a 3D project, it took some green paper, a toilet paper roll, some glue dripped on and some glitter!  Aiden liked it but he was having more fun decorating pictures to hang.

We had lots of fun, and we are just getting started!

Aiden's snowman!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!!

Aiden and I spent Thanksgiving morning making "Turkey Treats" from an idea I found on Pinterest.  The project, I think was an advertisement picture, but we did pretty good even without real instructions.  After we were done making turkeys we worked together to process a pomegranite, Aiden did not care for the tartness, but Izzy loved it.  Then we made a fruit salad, though we had seen a neat idea for fruit ka-boobs time was cut short as always. 

The girls had a lot of fun.  Playing with Steve and the dogs seemed to be their favorite part of the day.....

...Aiden and Logan had fun with the big boys, but boys will be boys and once the remote control car got driven into a bucket of oil, the big boys took off to play on the dirt bike.  Victor missed a fun Thanksgiving get-together and some great food too.

Even William got on the dirt bike and had fun riding around the farm.

These turkeys were the lucky ones and they were spared becoming dinner, for now anyways ;)

Aiden and Logan were very excited to finally convince someone to bring out Williams matchbox car collection.  The girls love anything the boys show interest in, of course!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Fun times at home!!!

I love, love, love that I get to spend so much time wth my babies.  I managed to get a few pictures of them without the typical motion blur today :) Emma was being a ham for the camera as always, and Izzy couldn't stay away either, LoL.  They spend a lot of the time they are in their room rearranging the furniture and climbing on everything available.  I have been working on another scarf and I tried to knit while they played, but they offered a little too much help.  I do think I have finally found a multi-tasking situation that my friend Laura wouldn't even be able to master. ;)

Poor Izzy hasn't been feeling well for a couple of days, she was sick to her stomach on Monday and had a fever again this evening.  I am hoping she will get over this bug on her own without yet another trip to the Dr.'s office.  I think the medicine the Dr. gave me is helping, I just hope I still feel the same way when I lay down.  Last night it was still hard to get comfy to sleep.

Aiden has not been wanting to get off the bus lately, because he doesn't want to leave his friends behind and come home to just his sisters for play-mates.  When I helped him off the bus today his friend Jessica invited him over to play at her house and he was ready to go as soon as we walked out the door.  I wanted to make some brownies that he could share with his class and to treat the bus driver, but he had other plans.  So I laid his sisters down for a nap with their Daddy and we took off to walk to the neighbor's house.  He loved exploring her backyard that is complete with a slide, treehouse, leaf pile and swing set.  While we were there the little boy from accross the road came to join us and we all came back here for some fun on the trampoline before it got too dark and cold to be outside.  I am having trouble deciding if it is ok to cut the apron strings and let him play with the neighborhood kids (they are in the 5th grade) without supervision.  They are big enough to ride their bikes in the road and watch for traffic and that makes me nervous with a 4 year old involved.  So for now I guess I will be playing with all the kids too. :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I am starting to feel better :)

I love to see Aiden's artwork grow. He has started adding arms and legs to his smilies!!

So I finally caved and went to the ER for the pain I was having in my lung/chest/shoulder/back area after the antibiotics prescribed by urgent care did nothing.  After a series of x-rays and blood tests the Dr. decided the only thing left was Pleurisy.  This happens when there is an irritation in the lining on the outside of the lung that hits the ribs. It feels like a cracked rib and makes sneezing and coughing feel like death.  After 2 solid weeks of pain I am happy to say the prescription meds have already started to work and I am soooooo happy about that. I may even feel good enough to walk to the top of the mountain when I go hunting on Wednesday, if not I guess I will sit low and take my chances. :)

This one started as a maze and turned into a smilie :) Aiden has been doing pretty good on his behavior program for school and has already earned two one hour sessions of computer time and a trip to the movies with Grandma (which he is super excited about).  He is also growing up and spreading his wings a little, it makes me proud but sad.  For a long time now Aiden has been nothing but a "Momma's Boy" and would show major preference towards Izzy and me.  Recently he has been asking to go to town with his Daddy instead of staying home with me and this morning he even wanted Daddy when I was telling him he had to go to school. He also finally decided that he likes Emma, just doesn't like when she screams and cries. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Another full day!!!

It was a full day yet again, J went hunting (as is th enorm during open season) and I went to a birthday party with the kids.  Mom as always was a godsend and came to watch the girls while Aiden and i did some last minute birthday shopping so I didn't have to lug all three kids into the store and then she even went to the birthday party wth the kids and I to help corral them.  I can usually handle the three of them fairly well on my own, but for over a week now I have been having a pain in my shoulder and chest so I can use all the help I can get.  I did go to the Dr last week and he took a shot in the dark and tried me on a round of antibiotics that unfortunately did not help.  So I guess my next step will be to call the OB office and see if they can detect any issues, since the pain in my chest is directly in the middle and to the side of my boob. On that note, I am tired and in pain so I am headed to bed.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

We are always busy, busy, busy!!!

I have been working on some projects for Mom to take with her to a craft show at the beginning of December.  So far I have finished a small handbag that is lined nad even has a zippered pocket inside.  I think for a first purse design it came out really nice.

My second project is a spiral scarf pattern that is turning out beautiful.  The pattern on the yarn said to use either 10 stitches or 6, I chose to go with 10 stitches and found out after a lot of wasted time, that i would not have enough yarn for a scarf so I pulled it out and started over with 6 stitches instead.  I am making good progress again, so at least it hasn't taken too long to re-do the work that I already had done. 

I got a couple videos of the girls playing with Tiger Butt!  He is surprisingly receptive to attention from the girls and they absolutely love talking to him too.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Lunch with Aiden's class!!!

Today was Parents Lunch Day at school!  It was fun to go hang out with my little man and his school friends for lunch. 
The cafeteria lighting wasn't the greatest....
...but the boys were ready for picture time....
...and had lots of fun posing in silly ways for the camera....
Larone made a great angry bird gangsta and Aiden and Lashaun had more fun fooling around.... 
What a great silly face!!!
Aiden and Cody! 
Cody, Aiden, Ralphie and Mac having their ice cream dessert!!!
Ralphie and Mac!!!