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Saturday, November 17, 2012

We are always busy, busy, busy!!!

I have been working on some projects for Mom to take with her to a craft show at the beginning of December.  So far I have finished a small handbag that is lined nad even has a zippered pocket inside.  I think for a first purse design it came out really nice.

My second project is a spiral scarf pattern that is turning out beautiful.  The pattern on the yarn said to use either 10 stitches or 6, I chose to go with 10 stitches and found out after a lot of wasted time, that i would not have enough yarn for a scarf so I pulled it out and started over with 6 stitches instead.  I am making good progress again, so at least it hasn't taken too long to re-do the work that I already had done. 

I got a couple videos of the girls playing with Tiger Butt!  He is surprisingly receptive to attention from the girls and they absolutely love talking to him too.

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