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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Just a quick check in :)

I love seeing my babies grow and develop, and no matter how many times I say it, really it never gets old.  Aiden, who is usually stuck to me like glue, actually got up and went with his daddy to do some yard work for mom.  They were gone all day until right before I had to start work and as excited as he was to come home and see me, he was still excited to go with his daddy again tomorrow.  Aiden may just warm up to his daddy yet (I hope so anyways).

Izzy and Aiden share a special bond and he loves to play with her, to this day he is still picky about Emma and doesn't always want her around.  At least he has become buds with one of his sisters, hopefully he will grow to like Emma just as much one day.

There is no better place to nap than in your daddy's arms!

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