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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Backpedalling through regression :(

As I sit here tonight pondering Aiden's recent bout of mis-behavior, I can't help but think that it may be related to the lack of "shopping" for him that is bringing on the bad behavior.  With that in mind I do feel sorry for the poor little guy. Since he is our first we are learning with him and unfortunately making mistake after mistake it seems.  Now don't get me wrong, it hasn't been all mistakes, but it seems that we have stumbled ourselves into a predicament with this choice.

I will say that J discouraged the spoiling that has been done, though he was a willing participant more than once.  Now I don't think that spoiling is all bad, but in our case I now believe we were buying good behavior and that was getting expensive.  Aiden is very reluctant to see this change, but we do feel that it is necessary.

To get us started on this change we are implementing a new bhavoir plan that is involving his teacher so that we will have consistancy.  He will have the chance to earn smilies in his notebook from anyone that notices Aiden making good choices.  The important thing is that we cannot take smilies away once he has earned them, it just makes it take longer to reach the goal plus the reward cannot be something purchased.  We are still working out the kinks, but I am hoping that we see success from this. 

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