For a long time now we have been able to contain the twins with gates and play yard barriers.  It seems like those days may be fast approaching the end of their days.  Izzy is already climbing out of her crib, and though child safety experts disaggree with my choice I dropped the side on her old style crib so that she can get out easier. (I also moved the soft chair in their room over to the side of the crib so that it is safe for her to climb out) 
The girls think this is an awesome idea! They are having a blast climbing in and out of Izzy's crib during playtime, and jumping like jumping beans too of course.  J on the other hand thinks that it is too early to award this freedom to Izzy fearing she will not stay in bed at night. I kinda wish he would give it a chance, but he doesn't want them to be growing up that much yet imo.  Anyhow, he will not leave the chair beside the bed at night so..... back to the drawing board I guess.  Iam hoping with input from other MoMs I will be able to come up with a gameplan that works for us or at least one he is willing to try.
Aiden had been transitioned to a toddler bed by now since he was also a climber/jumper, but with the twins this has become a whole new ballgame.  How do you complete this transisiton without losing your mind, or did you just give up on making them go to bed anymore and just hope they fall out before the sun comes up?.  All of the articles that I read talk about transistioning both of them at the same time, but they are also riddled with dispairing stories of failure and extreme measures to get the kids to go to sleep.  One couple I even read about a couple that litterally had one child fall asleep in the hallway (on their mattress of course)and then they would drag them back into the room once everyone was sleeping.  I was thinking about transistioning them one at a time, but I am afraid that once we have Izzy into a routine and try to add Emma to the mix we will be right back at square one.  Any input on this one would be awesome (hint, hint Mary). ;)