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Monday, November 26, 2012

My hunting expedition!!!

Even though I hate to admit fault, yes Alice you were right, I definitely felt a lot worse after hunting than before.  The next day I woke up and felt like I had swallowed a hot coal, sinus drainage, pain still going on from pleurisy, runny nose.  It was awful... I can say that I finally sneezed today without feeling pain, which is some awesome improvement for me.  Granted I added another round of antibiotics to my daily regimen, but alas there is improvement and that is improving life in so many ways. :)

It was nice to spend some time in the woods with my wonderful Hubby.  Though it was eriely quiet on the mountain that day and I fell and busted my butt on the way down in the dark. ((I did score the flashlight and J carried my gun the rest of the way out)) ;)  It was an honor for me to have the chance to take my 12-gauge Ithica to the woods again after skipping out on hunting to stay at home pregnant and then with babies for 5 years. I hope to have a chance to go again, I got my first and only kill with my Daddies gun and I hope to get a nice buck with the gun he handed down to me one day. 

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