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Monday, November 12, 2012

Christmas Tradition

Most families have unique Christmas traditions.  In our family one of the traditions I grew up with was the "no shopping after Halloween" rule.  Basically each year after Halloween, until Christmas I was not able to use my money to buy myself anything and Mom would not buy me anything during that time either.  For one this helps to make sure there is money for Christmas presents and for two it made sure presents didn't end up having to be returned due to them being purchased a second time.  Until this year, Aiden really has not noticed this rule.  Now that he understands what that rule means, he is very very Very upset by it.   Just today even he asked if we could go to Ollie's (his favorite store) to buy a new toy.  When I reminded him about the "no shopping rule" he yelled "I canNOT wait until Christmas."  Sometimes he makes me laugh and at the same time wish I were 4 again and thought money grew on trees.

Does your family have an unique tradition?

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